Kariya Mando Matsuri


Kariya City, Aichi Pref.

Over 100 Years Night Chubu

About the festival

Mando Matsuri is an over 230 year-old festival held at the Akiba Shrine in Kariya City, Aichi prefecture. It is a festival to ward off fire accidents and to keep city safety, but it is also said to be one to call for rain. Mando— paper lantern dolls in the shape of warriors—can reach 5 meters in hight and can weigh up to 60 kilograms. Young men carry them around and dance to the performers on flutes, drums and hand clappers called naruko. It is a two day event, the first day, known as "shingaku", is for the parades and the second day, known as "hongaku", is for the offering dance held at Akiba Shrine. 


Things to do

1. The colorful floating Mando light up the early night


The sight of dancers and huge colorful Mandos floating in the summer sky just after the sun goes down is sure to capture the hearts of onlookers. 

2. Mando—a fusion of tradition and new forces


These large Mando, depicting kabuki scenes and war scenes are made anew every year.

The ones making them are normal city folk, not special craftsmen. They spend months on end pouring their heart and soul into each and every powerful creation. Whether from near or far, you can feel the power and elaborate details.

3. A chance to get up close and personal with the Mando


After the "issei-mai" parade on the first day, enjoy the "fureai" time, where you get the chance to carry them yourself. You wont be able to touch the Mando during any other time, so make sure to watch the "issei-mai" and head on over to check out the locals' masterpieces in person!

Information (基本情報)

  • Festival Dates July 27 (Sat) 16:30 to 22:00 and 28 (Sun) 16:50 to 22:00.
    Held annually on the last Saturday and following day of July.
  • Place 2-101 Ginza, Kariya City
    Center Kariya City, around the Akiba Shrine
  • General Participation You can carry the Mando during the "fureai" time
  • International Reception and Info. None
  • Wi-Fi Available at the Tourist office in front of Kariya Station (About 10min walk from festival grounds)
  • Restrooms Temporary toilets available
  • HP


  • Contact Kariya City Tourist Association

Rules & Manners(参加のルール&マナー)

Please do not touch the Mando during any other time but the "fureai" time

Access Map (アクセスと地図)

[Nearest Station]
Meitetsu Mikawa Line, Kariya Station

Address: 2-101 Ginza, Kariya City
Center Kariya City, around the Akiba Shrine
About 15min walk from JR Kariya Station on the Meitetsu Line

Emiko Izawa
Born in Shizuoka. I love Sushi, Sake, Shrine, Stationary and Stage!